Thursday, October 14, 2010

Field Trips!

Hey everyone -
Well, we've had an exciting week here at Monarch Kids! Unfortunately, this past Tuesday, we couldn't make our trip to Anderson Farms due to cold, dreary rain. So we're hoping to reschedule that for next week some time. I'm so excited to take the kids there - I know they'll have a blast! So instead, we spent that day doing some fun arts and crafts and spending time with another provider and her kids indoors. One of the crafts was a "Pirate's Cove". The kids simply colored a pirate ship and then we displayed them on a bookshelf in the house and labeled the area "Pirate's Cove" - it was super cute. Then right before lunch we made pumpkins. We simply shredded orange construction paper and glued it onto a pumpkin-shaped cutout. Then we glued on some green leaves and a brown stem. Super easy for the little guys and the kids had fun shredding and gluing!

Yesterday was a free day at the Denver Zoo and boy, was it nuts! It was jammed pack with kids, strollers, buggies, people...literally a zoo at the zoo! I guess everyone jumped at the idea of a free day at such a cool place. It took us forever to find a parking spot and needless to say, we didn't get through too much of the zoo because it was so full. But regardless, it was free and the kids had a blast - and it was an absolutely gorgeous day here in the mile-high city!

Today after morning naps, we packed up our lunches and headed to O'Brien Park in Parker. We ate our lunch, went swinging and then played in the big field next to the basketball court. Another gorgeous day and fun was had by all!

So anyway, we're capitalizing on our good weather, because as you know here in Colorado, there literally could be a blizzard tomorrow. That's just how fast the weather can change.

Hope you all are having a good week - take care and thanks for reading!

Kendall Stark
Monarch Kids Childcare Provider

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