Thursday, February 10, 2011

Delayed Celebrations!

I don't have to tell you all that the past week or so has brought in some crazy weather! I know people all over the country are experiencing wild snow storms, extremely cold temperatures... So, last week, we had all kinds of fun planned - including celebrating Groundhog Day and one of the kids birthdays. But we had to close last week due to the extreme temperatures and the fact that most school districts were closed. While I know that was the right thing to do, I was kind of bummed to miss all the fun we had planned.

But we made up for it this week! We've jammed packed our time with lots of birthday and groundhog celebrating and much more! Today we did 2 crafts in honor of the groundhog - the kids made a groundhog mask and we also made groundhog pop-ups that go in and out of their "burrow" (paper cup). The kids had fun with this. We also played many games like "Toss the Hog" and "Shh! Silent Groundhog" - mostly involving tossing around a stuffed groundhog puppet or some such thing.

For our birthday celebration, I made a homemade pinata - super easy actually! Just fill a paper bag with candy and then either staple or tape it shut. Then decorate the outside with streamers, tissue paper, glitter, pom-poms, whatever you like. Its way cheaper and actually fun to know that you made it! The kids demolished it and loved seeing all the candy fall out :)

Next week we'll be doing lots of crafts and games centered around Valentine's Day. I'm most excited about a little Valentine's project the kids will be making for their moms and dads. I'm sure it will make their day :)

Take care everyone - thanks for reading!

Kendall Stark
Monarch Kids Preschool Teacher

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