Hey everyone -
Here are some pictures from our week celebrating the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. Enjoy!

Friendship Wreath - a super cool craft! The kids traced and cut out their hand prints from different colored construction paper and glued them onto a paper plate with a picture of MLK in the middle.

The kids decorated a picture of a dove - a symbol of peace.

Sorry - this one is turned on its side. But its a peace chain and each link has a different drawing on it based on something we learned from the week. For example, the orange link has a drawing of a bus on it from the Rosa Parks story.

Here the kids are posing in front of differently wrapped boxes. But the kids didn't know that each box has the same present inside - a sheet of red smiley face stickers. Lesson here...even though we all look different on the outside, we all are special and all are the same on the inside.
Thanks for reading -
Kendall Stark
Monarch Kids Preschool
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