Hey everyone -
This week we focused on the Royal family - kings, queens, princes, princesses, knights, castles, dragons... Our letter was "K" for king and kingdom. We had so much fun! Today we specifically based all of our games and activities around the classic story, "The Princess and the Pea". The kids especially liked a game in which I would secretly put 1-4 green pom-poms (peas) under a blanket. When they came in and laid down on the blanket, they had to guess how many I placed under it. If they guessed the right number then it proved they were a real prince or princess :)
We also played a game outside called "What Time is it Mr. Dragon?". I was the dragon and was at one end of the yard with my back to the kids. They were at the other end of the yard. They would ask me, "What time is it Mr. Dragon?" and I would reply with a time, such as 1 o'clock or 6 o'clock... Whatever the time was, that was how many steps they could take trying to get closer to me. But if I answered, "Its midnight!", then I would turn around and chase them back to the start line. They loved it! And they all got a turn being a dragon. So fun!
Anyway, we had a blast and are looking forward to next week. Our theme will be "Earth Week" in honor of Earth Day on April 22nd. It truly is one of my favorite holidays - I'm really looking forward to all the fun activities and discoveries we'll make next week. (Side note, but as we were outside playing today, a Swainson's Hawk flew right over our house and called as he was flying! All the kids got a great look at the beautiful bird - so incredible!).
Have a great evening - thanks for reading!
Kendall Stark
Monarch Kids Preschool
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