We had a ton of fun today - here's a small sampling of what we did:
*Sweetheart candy guesstimate - the parents had to guess how many candies were in the jar. The winners got to take all the candy home
*Games - "Sneaky Cupid" (hid a picture of cupid around the room and the kids had to find it), "Cupid Tag", "Cupid Says" (like Simon Says, just a different name...)
*Food! - painted with pudding, shepherd's pie that had red-dyed potatoes, strawberries (of course!)
*Crafts - "Sticky Heart" (2 wax paper hearts stuck together by corn syrup dyed red), "Shiny Heart" (heart-shaped cookie cutters dipped in glue, pressed on white paper, then spread glitter on top)
And much more!!
Enjoy the picture!
Kendall Stark
Monarch Kids Preschool Teacher
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