Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Week

Enjoy pictures from our Christmas Week theme this past week - I hope you all had a great holiday!

Books we read this past week

The kids sponge painted and decorated this tree - super cute!

"Rudolph's Bright Nose" - the red pom-pom is Rudolph's nose amidst the "snowy night" :)

Cute little craft the kids made for Santa

Adorable Christmas tree ornaments the kids actually hung on their trees at home.

Thanks for reading everyone! Coming up this week...Classic Children's Stories Week

Kendall Stark
Monarch Kids Preschool

Polar Animals Week

Hey there -
Sorry for the delay in posting pictures from the past two weeks. With the Christmas holiday and sickness in our family, it just slipped my mind! Enjoy the pictures from a couple weeks ago - Polar Animals Week!

Books from the week

A couple cute crafts we did

The next 2 pictures are of the kids "swimming" and "fishing" like a penguin using a scooter - super fun!

Walking like a penguin :)

My Christmas Week post is coming soon!

Kendall Stark
Monarch Kids Preschool

Monday, December 5, 2011

My Body Week

Hey everyone -
Enjoy pictures from "My Body" Week at Monarch Kids!

Such a cute craft - a giant bandage! The kids painted brown paint all over bubble wrap then pressed brown paper over the top, which made the impression you see. Then they glued a strip of paper towel down the middle and trimmed the corners. Looks pretty realistic, huh?

The kids LOVED giving these babies a bath! They used washcloths, shampoo, lotion, towels - and I actually put brown paint smudges on the babies that they had to get off too! So much fun!

Here are the books we read last week. The kids really like the Magic School Bus book because the bus went on an adventure in one of the classmate's nose and throat - so disgusting but fun!

Thanks for reading everyone - have a great night!

Kendall Stark
Monarch Kids Preschool