Hey everyone -
The kids and I had so much fun this week celebrating Dr. Seuss and all of his amazing books! We read some classics like "The Cat in the Hat", "Green Eggs and Ham", "The Foot Book", "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" and more. Attached you'll see some fun pictures from today. One is an edible snack you can make that resembles the hat that the "Cat in the Hat" wears. All you need is a ritz cracker, white frosting and red gummy lifesavers. The other picture was made by painting the kid's hands different colors to make a "Thing One" and "Thing Two" from "The Cat in the Hat".
We did a lot of other fun stuff this week as well. Next week, Eggs!
Take care and enjoy the pictures!
Kendall Stark
Monarch Kids Preschool